March 2016

Installing NIXOS - my experience so far.

Sometimes, I like to try new things. Some of them , have impressed me on first attempt, for example arch, qemu, lagrangians, etc while other have grown on me over the time, like Latex, Haskell, etc, and there are others which i vow never to use again (no, not gonna mention those abominations). Eventhough , I am curious to try new things, there is also a skeptical side which tries to reel in my curious-hyperactive self.

List of Novels I want to read for this year.

I, usually, have a list of novels that i keep on the lookout for and rarely, do i make a list for it. I guess having your own online site changes that. Additionally, since i have a bit more events happening around me, plus, more people in my life, this helps to keep my thoughts in context. The next time my Mother-in-law needs to know what i want, she knows where to find..........


So here goes the list.